Whats new in 40 ver? 1. Attempt for filling holes procedure. Proc now transform two edges not possesed by triangle - insert here a new triangle.. If you are lucky - starting from any mesh you will achive, full closed volume object.. Just iterate procedure I describe now. Use 'Opt object' and 'Process op' buttons.. 2. Attempt for improve object geometry, by transform thin, long triangles to possible non degenerated, "every edge equal", form. As far as I see, now it modify geometry but rather not improve it. 3. I tried implement object simplification by collapse edges.. Now this option works as 'decrease edge lenght in dramatic way'. Set flag of 'Opt holes' button to 'edge' and press 'process op' button. Now its easier to collapse such short edges by remove redundand vertices feature. Use 'dsp factor' button to set tolerancy of normal vector devitation, use 'set ap tol' button to set tolerancy of how near tangent vertex to collapse should be. Press 'Rm red ver' button to final preform collapse vertex-edge operation . 4. Effort for easier deformation - handling bend of part/whole mesh.. Use FFD button, set its flag to 'spli'. Move (with care) yellow bars, you may deformate object/part of object (ex chunk). (I will improve distribution of deformation in future.) 5. Free Form Deformation, Bezier Cage version - changes may be increased by factor depend upon aporx tolerancy flag. Use 'set ap tol' button. 6. Attempt for introduce smaller version of texture applied in all tex based displaying models (in progress..). 7. Shy work around increasing collided edges detection.. (aprox 50% speed up) 8 Loading ply files (format binary, little endian). 9. Basic support for md2 files loading. 10. Bezier triangle patches attempt (need work).. 11. Code cleaning, refractoring and rebuilding.. Bugs, I noticed: - Problems with submit FFD cage modified object when only one selected chunk is processed... To properly work with FFD - edit whole object... - Chunk no '0' problems... sometimes one chunk alone triangle .. - Not always corrected saving to 3ds file - always press 'sort chunks' button before saving object above 65535 elements .. - Weird edges detecting - unstable edges count info... - Blender saves corresponding 3ds file with one more face than win3ds.. - Merge vertices on selected chunk not work... (buggy option removed) - Hrt objects/l pipes/Bez patches, crashes if are switched too many times. Even 2-3 times is enough to crash .. (bug removed) - Ray casted shadow not work... (buggy feature removed) - Bezier patches objects, not properly meshed.. - Tesselate whole object option many times invalid - not whole part of object is affected (not all chunks of object - no problem in one chunk object cause..) - Marking boundary edges operation - very seldom correct.. - Positiv (z coord/normal vect) and selected area tesselation simultanously not correct - I always get crash .. - N key: attempt to load bigger file than current = crash - FFD spline invalid when size y exceedes size x todo: - Condition to not enter rendering tri proc if all coords are outside viewport (early cut off to all triangles through peel proc).. - End small texture routines - insert predefined one ex. rose in 16 colors.. - Finish work around Bezier triangle patches. - Finish object with wall based on rotated spline feature.. - Filling holes modify geometry - rem such modifications.. NOTE - app unstale - regularly press saving button to prevent data loose.... Maciej, 07 2024 .